Climate Change

Home Sweet Home: Building for the future New building design and construction will be undergoing a revolution in the next decades. There are two primary motivations: environmental concerns (sustainability and climate change) and energy costs. Read More... April 5, 2010
Ontario "Cap and Trade" Discussion Paper Environment North prepared comments on the 2009 Discussion Paper: A Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade System for Ontario. (EBR Registry Number: 010-5484). The effects of climate change in Northern Ontario are summarized and our concerns on potential problems of a Cap and Trade system were outlined. Our concerns were both general and specific to northwestern Ontario. March 1, 2009
Nuclear Energy - Option for Ontario? Nuclear Energy - is it truly a viable option for this province? March 22, 2008
Climate Change: Solving it Together II - A Summary and Carbon Offset Calculation Environment North held its second conference on climate change and its relevance for the region. The event was sold out, with 235 people participating. October 31, 2007
Seasons and climate change, but politicians stay the same September 23, 2007
"Biofuels: Proceed with Caution" by Scott Harris, member of Environment North We are bombarded daily by news of the dangers of accelerating climate change due to man-made green-house gases (GHGs) such as CO2 and methane, largely from combustion of fossil fuels. The quest for alternative, less harmful fuel sources is timely. Read More... July 1, 2007
Climate Change Conference February 3, 2007: Climate Change Conference was held at Confederation College. Hosted by EN and the Thunder Bay Field Naturalists. Official Poster February 3, 2007
Climate change "Inconvenient" for the Northwest By Graham Saunders. (2006)
The film An Inconvenient Truth opened in Thunder Bay last Thursday. It is a high-profile film about the perils of climate change and has played to some full houses. There is considerable interest in many city schools. I hear that some may bus students for special matinee screenings in the next week or two. College and university students are seeing the film too and some community organizations are planning group attendance. Regular readers of Weather Whys are aware of my concerns that human induced climate change will have mainly negative impacts in the Northwest. Yet "global warming" is a difficult issue, especially for Canadians. Canada and Russia tie for the coldest countries on Earth how about a few extra degrees in the winter?
September 24, 2006
Changing habits, saving energy Liz Murray This was first published as a letter to the editor in the Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal on August 12, 2006. August 12, 2006
Getting to the point, sooner or later Graham Saunders A version of this article was first published in Weather Whys in the Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal on July 16, 2006 July 16, 2006
Terms of Reference for an Environmental Assessment of Peat Resources Ltd.'s proposal Environment North has sent comments on the Terms of Reference for an Environmental Assessment of Peat Resources Ltd.'s proposal to extract and process peat from two locations near Upsala, Ontario July 13, 2006