Nuclear Waste Opposition
BACKGROUND: Environment North has been opposed to the geological disposal of high-level nuclear waste for decades. This waste would have to be kept isolated from the environment for over 5,000 generations. There are also risks of contamination from the long-distance transportation of the waste. Environment North was a part of the opposition to test-drilling for a potential radioactive waste disposal site near Atikokan in the late 70s and has since been involved in public hearings, public meetings, a plebiscite in Thunder Bay and a number of articles regarding nuclear waste disposal.
In 2002 the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) was founded. An Environmnental Assessment Panel which examined geological disposal for nearly a decade, had recommented to the federal government that a waste managment organization be at arm's length to the nuclear industry. The federal government disagreed and the NWMO was founded by Canada’s three nuclear fuel waste producers including Ontario Power Generation. The board of directors of the NWMO are appointed by these founding members.
When the NWMO began their site selection process, nuclear waste disposal once again become top of mind. Dodie LeGassick (Board member of Environment North) began her public awareness campaign soon after. In 2020, Environment North joined with Northwatch and many others to create the alliance We the Nuclear Free North (WTNFN).
Visit these links for more info:
We the Nuclear Free North - Find the latest news here!
Environment North Nuclear Waste Issue Link
Click here to sign the petition against burial of nuclear waste in Northwestern Ontario.
Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility (CCNR)
MKG, a Swedish organization reviewing nuclear waste. Canada's management organization.